Academic articles

Burners, Biomass

Generators of Hot Gases the Burning of Biomass The combustion (burning) of solid biomass in systems called furnaces or burners, comprising the combustion chamber, grate, air vents, feeder and ashtray.

Central Heating systems

Hot water for hospitals, nursing homes, swimming pools, buildings, industries, hostels, gyms, clubs, hotels, ... Briquetting and pelletizing are processes of densification on energy of biomass. Are pr

Pelletes Biomass

Meet the pellet, a viable alternative and renewable to traditional fuels for use in furnaces and boilersBriquetting and pelletizing are processes of densification on energy of biomass. Are processes t

Biomass briquettes and Coal

Get to know the briquette, a viable alternative and renewable to traditional fuels for use in furnaces, boilers, ovens, grills, ...   The briquette is a biofuel solid, a manufacturing process, made th

Wood chips

Chip of Wood or Chips of Wood The chips or chip of wood is composed of small pieces of wood the chipping or destroçamento, with a length variable between 5 and 50mm, obtained by splintering in the dir

Types of Waste

With all the variety of timber in the cities and in the field, both its core and its bark can be used for the production of particles of high quality.

Wood recycling

Recycling of trees, branches and leaves in the urban area and ruralThe fate of the trees, branches and leaves knocked down by the wind and resulting pruning of trees in urban areas has always been a c

Composting and Organic Compound

Utilization of municipal waste for the production of humusComposting is considered to be the most efficient process for the treatment and stabilization of organic waste, producing the acceptable cost

Storage Silos for Biomass

Ensuring the quality and availability of the biomass fuel The main purpose of storage is to keep the biomass in good condition and in a suitable place so that it can be easily transferred to the next

Briquetting and Pelletizing

Turning waste biomass into briquettes and pellets   For the improvement of energy efficiency, transport, and storage of the biomass is necessary to compress wood waste - sawdust, others, forest residu

Processing of Biomass

Preparation of biomass for use as fuel Is the preparation of the solid fuel (Biomass) before you get to the burning equipment. Usually this stage includes crushing, chopping or grinding according to t

What is Biomass

Learn all about biomass and how it is used for the generation of energy Biomass is the organic matter, which can be used in the production of energy. Not all of the primary production of the planet pa

Bioenergy Biomass

Types of sources of bioenergy biomass Biomass is the total mass of organic substances that occur in a habitat. There are various types of biomass on the planet, which can be used in different ways. Ex

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